Picture: © Anna Büschges

Graduate Research Programme »Changing Frames«

Art history and art technology in exchange

This Graduate Research Programme is funded by the Volkswagen Foundation in the context of its “Humanities, Cultural Studies, Social Sciences and Professional Practice in Graduate Education” programme (now closed). It is based on a cooperation between the University of Konstanz and the Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design. Additional partners from Germany and abroad are involved who contribute their practical experience to the project. The Graduate Research Programme started in the winter semester 2018/19 and continues for four years.

Current news

Lecture series and seminar "A matter of teamwork", winter semester 2021/2022

"A Matter of Teamwork: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Works of Art" is comprised of a public lecture series and seminars held at University of Konstanz/TH Köln and TU Berlin in the winter semester 2021/2022. In the lectures, interdisciplinary teams of experts will discuss recent case studies in art history and conservation and shed light on collaborative approaches: their genesis, benefits, and challenges.

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